Mauro Calise
Professor of Political Science at the University of Naples Federico II and Director, Federica Weblearning. Is the founder and Editor of IPSAPortal, the International Political Science Association Web Portal for Electronic Sources. Is the author, with Theodore J. Lowi, of Hyperpolitics. An Interactive Dictionary of Political Science Concepts, University of Chicago Press, 2010, and its open access web companion, www.hyperpolitics.net.

Werner Patzelt
Professor of Political Science at the Dresden University of Technology. Is member of the IPSA Executive Committee and Coordinator of the IPSA Summer Schools. Is editor or co-editor of all central German publication series on legislative research (Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, book series ‘Studien zum Parlamentarismus’, Kommission für Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien).

Fortunato Musella
Professor of Political Science at the University of Naples Federico II. He has joined Mauro Calise as co-instructor in all past editions of the Hyperpolitics workshop. He is editor, with Mauro Calise and Theodore J. Lowi, of Concetti Chiave. Understanding Political Science, Il Mulino 2017, a collection of matrix-based essays developed during previous editions of the workshop

Annarita Criscitiello
Assistant Professor of Political Language at the University of Naples Federico II and a member of the Hyperpolitics research team since its foundation. She has been in charge of the development and implementation of the Hyperpolitics electronic dictionary.

Valentina Reda
Research Fellow at Federica Weblearning and Senior Tutor for the Hyperpolitics workshop past editions. Member of the editorial board of IPSAPortal. She has been the managing assistant for the development and implementation of the IPSAMOOC program.