Welcome to the website for the 2019 Capri IPSA Summer School, Concept Analysis in the Web environment, jointly organised by IPSA and Federico II University. The event will be held on the island of Capri from 22nd to 26th September 2018.

This leading IPSA program provides advanced theoretical and practical training in methodology to its participants. This edition focuses on one of the fundamental challenges for political science: developing political science concepts. The theoretical framework and analytical tools provided are based on the Hyperpolitics approach. Hyperpolitics is a pioneering application of web 2.0 logic to create a Repository of Political Science Concepts. An academic ecosystem, comprising books (Calise and Lowi, University of Chicago Press, 2010), working platform (www.hyperpolitics.net), hyperlinks and learning communities that defines concepts in terms of their relationship to other concepts.

Participants will develop their own matrices for Political Science concepts through an innovative mix of online and onsite teaching. This formula is built on the consolidated and successful format of the annual workshop, held within the Ph.D. program in Political Science of the Institute of Human Sciences (SUM), then of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences (SNS) of the Scuola Normale di Pisa from 2008 to 2017.

The format and venue of this event are a perfect fit: the layout and flow of the picturesque Orlandi Villa and gardens reflecting the varied and fluid structure of the programme activities. With most of the theoretical input coming from the online MOOC component, the residential module focuses on application of the method and theory-building. The combination of comfortable study rooms, online workspaces, shady terraces and lawns, as well as mini lecture theatre, offers the perfect backdrop for the blend of formal and informal, individual and group reflection, discussion, tutoring and presentations that the Summer School offers. Work and relaxation merge over coffee and lunches served on the terrace.