Digital thinking
Concept Analysis in The Web Environment
September 4-7, 2024
Naples IPSA Summer School 2024
We are very happy to announce the 2024 edition of the Naples IPSA Summer School
“Digital thinking: Concept Analysis in The Web Environment“,
jointly organized by IPSA and Federico II University.
Summer School structure: Online & Onsite
The innovative workshop formula of this year’s event has already been successfully experimented in previous residential courses. It is built on the consolidated format of the annual workshop, held from 2008 to 2017 in the Ph.D. program in Political Science of the Institute of Human Sciences (SUM), then at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) of Pisa.
Module 1: Online course
Participants follow the IPSAMOOC course Understanding Political Concepts, by Mauro Calise and Werner Patzelt, published on edx. Attendance and successful completion of the MOOC module is a prerequisite to admission on the residential module. Participants thus come to the Summer School with a Political Concept of their choice.
Module 2: On-campus workshop
The scope of Module two is the individual development of a concept matrix applying the Hyperpolitics method and a paper. Tuition takes the form of seminars and tutorials with an emphasis on knowledge and experience of online digital libraries. The residential component culminates in a presentation of individual Concept Matrix papers in the final session.

The format of the Summer School is an intensive and interactive workshop, therefore places are very limited and admission will be granted on a first-come first-served basis.
1st Edition of the Summer School, 2001, Anacapri

Mauro Calise Professor of Political Science, University of Naples Federico II - Director, Federica Weblearning